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My mission is to help parents discover and develop their unique values and gifts to create authentic nurturing bonds within the family, where individuality is honored, celebrated, deeply recognized, and relationships are based on authentic connection.

Hi, I'm Carla!

I am the founder and facilitator of A Path Within and The Body Knows Best Project. I have vast experience in traditional Chinese medicine, energy healing and herbalism spanning different cultures, midwifery, birth advocacy and doula, birth and postpartum education, psychotherapy and human design. But most importantly, I am the proudest mother of four amazing humans. I feel a profound call to guide parents into purposeful and powerful awareness! Together, let's use human design as an instrumental tool in transforming the way we approach relationships with self, our children and the people around us! 

I'm a manifestor...

  • emotional authority
  • single definition,
  • 5/1 heretical/investigator

Incarnation cross: the left angle cross of demands

So what does this mean?

I am designed to be a trailblazer, bringing new ideas and inspirations to the world. I am designed to be a pioneer, stirring things up and doing things differently.

Initiating is my gift and I am designed to get things started, whether it's a business, project, conversation, or movement. My design allows me to see things before others do.

I am also designed to inspire change, rather than be guided or told what to do. I feel the best when I have a sense of freedom and autonomy. My innovative nature leads me into leadership roles.

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